1937-40 Airline Belmont Delco Truetone knob

New reproduction resin knob in black, dark walnut or ivory for many 1937-40 Belmont-made bakelite and plaskon tabletop radios including Airline, Delco, Freshman, Goodyear and Truetone. These knobs while the same in appearance have variations in shaft mounting (1/2" stem, 1/4" stem, splined or D-type shaft) so please take care to specify color, shaft type and length when placing order.

For the following known models:


Belmont Delco Truetone

Knob dimensions: 7/8" diameter at base, 3/8" high, 1/2" diameter shaft stem
Shaft types: 1/4" D-type or splined
Shaft stem lengths: 1/4" or 1/2"

KN-006 (black, dark walnut or ivory): $12.00

Stem length

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